Emma Garza Emma Garza

The Post-Grad Limbo

Despite our most grandiose efforts, the world keeps turning. The rain keeps pouring. We have to either invest in a damn good umbrella or get out.

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Emma Garza Emma Garza

When Overthinking Became a Good Thing

To the overthinkers: We have a lot in common. From the most trivial fragments of everyday life to those moments of big decision-making, the overthinking is palpable. To some extent, we have relinquished any and all control over this part of us. Self-proclaimed overthinkers, born and bred.

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Emma Garza Emma Garza

Novelty & How to Find It

"I was within and without, simultaneously enchanted and repelled by the inexhaustible variety of life." -F. Scott Fitzgerald

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Emma Garza Emma Garza

Some Words

To everyone who decided to read this post: I hope you’re having an absolutely magnificent day and life is treating you well! I haven’t posted in a hot minute (or two, or three) what with all the adjusting to my new university and just immersing myself in this  journey of being away from home/adulting.

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Emma Garza Emma Garza


Once upon a time, I discovered my love for Oreos.

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Emma Garza Emma Garza

The Best Breakfast Smoothie Ever

Calling all coffee, peanut butter, and banana lovers: your perfect smoothie is HERE! In an effort to try and get a kickstart to my day, I set out to find a super delicious smoothie recipe that included coffee (because let’s be real, coffee is a necessity at this point).

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Emma Garza Emma Garza

He’s Always There.

What’s keeping me up tonight is not that little bit of coffee, but instead my buzzing brain. I am in a season of feeling lost, to be perfectly real with you.

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Emma Garza Emma Garza

Why I’m Scared.

These are the kind of colossal dreams I have. I wish I could tell you that I had a clear-cut path, a list of boxes to check. But I don’t.

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Emma Garza Emma Garza

It’s Okay.

You woke up on the wrong side of the bed. You poured yourself a bowl full of cereal only to find out there’s no milk (in my opinion, the most tragic).

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Emma Garza Emma Garza


People will judge you even if you don’t give them a reason to. So dance.

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