
Once upon a time, I discovered my love for Oreos.

As I’m sure everyone and their mother can relate to the previous statement, it is also highly important to note that it isn’t our fault we’re addicted. In fact, I read a study once that Oreos were as addictive, if not MORE addictive, than cocaine to the human brain. I was reminded of the latter plenty of times over the years; through every heavenly bite of Original, Coconut Thin, Red Velvet, and Birthday Cake Oreo cookie I treated myself to on a regular basis as reward for surviving full days at school.

While I’d love to write an entire post about Oreos, I’ve been on a major health kick this summer and have consequently managed to find some loopholes in the clean(er) eating game! By no means am I a certified nutritionist (see my mom for that, folks), but I do have a few numerously—and I mean numerously—tested ideas up my sleeve for healthier snack options to try throughout the rest of this summer; because when you feel good, you do good, am I right?

Once you’ve hid the Oreos, try these healthier snack options:


1. Chocolate Hummus

Yes, I used the word “chocolate” in a healthy-ish post. Sue me! This AMAZING chocolate hummus from H-E-B actually contains chickpeas, which are rich in fiber and protein and do wonders for digestion. The best part? This stuff tastes like chocolate pudding, minus the guilt. Top it off with some granola and pair with sliced green apples (perfect sour + sweet combo), or even wheat pretzels for a filling and healthy alternative chocolate snack to satisfy your sweet tooth.


2. So Delicious Coconut Milk Ice Cream Sandwiches

Say goodbye to post-dairy stomachaches and unhealthy dosages of Pepto-Bismol! The So Delicious brand makes a mean coconut milk ice cream, and has decided to grace freezers everywhere with dairy-free ice cream sandwiches. I discovered these babies at my local Sprouts, but you can find them at almost any grocery store. These tasty treats are 90 calories a pop, which is two times less than your average ice cream sammie.


3. Roasted Squash Seeds

I know most of you all probably don’t have an extra squash lying around to gut seeds from, BUT this snack will change your world. Instead of dumping out the seeds of your next spaghetti squash (because we’re all health nuts at this point and eat spaghetti squash all the time instead of real pasta), follow this guide on how to clean and roast your seeds. To spice up this nutrient-dense, antioxidant-packed snack, I sprinkled a decent amount of crushed red pepper flakes on top and fell in love!


4. Turkey & Cucumber

If you’re craving a sandwich, but not in the mood for an afternoon bloat belly, swap out your Butter-Krust for cucumber slices! Stuff pieces of low-sodium deli turkey in between two cucumber slices (I like them more without the skin, but cheers to you if you choose not to peel them—the skin contains tons of antioxidants) and enjoy. These snacks are even yummier with some avocado spread on the cucumber slices, and just a bit of reduced fat shredded mozzarella if you’re feeling really frisky.


5. Tuna Avocado Salad

Never have I ever been a tuna gal, but times they are a changin’! For a quick, Tupperware-appropriate snack, mix up some tuna (canned in water for less fat) with avocado instead of mayo, toss in some chopped pickles and/or diced cucumbers, and you’re all set. Scoop up with some multigrain or water crackers, and you’re in business.


6. Coffee Without Consequences

This isn’t a snack, but it’s coffee and no one can argue with coffee. Morning coffee is my absolute favorite part of waking up, and I’m sure many of you feel the same.  The universe is simply off balance if you don’t have your cup of joe. Since I’ve always liked my coffee more sweet than bitter, dairy milks and creams used to be essential. However, they’re just not worth the calories and stomach pain anymore! For a hit of sweet in my coffee cup, I’ll pour in some unsweetened vanilla almond milk and a splash of either the Coffee-Mate Natural Bliss vanilla almond milk creamer, or the Silk hazelnut almond milk creamer. Both are delicious and have saved me from that post-coffee bloat!


If you’re looking for a healthier alternative for your white chocolate mocha or vanilla latte, look no further:

  1. Iced coffee with almond milk and 2 pumps of white mocha OR 2 pumps of sugar-free vanilla (this is the portion for a Grande, so feel free to adjust # of syrup pumps according to size of drink)

*Starbucks no longer carries sugar-free white mocha syrup, so sugar-free vanilla is a good option if you’re trying to avoid the sugar in the regular white mocha syrup.

2.   Iced Skinny Latte with almond milk and 1-2 pumps of sugar-free vanilla (portion for a Grande)


P.S. Treat yourself to the Oreos every once in a while.


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